In this game, you have to kill yourself in order to live! Paint guy is only able to walk on platforms that are painted the same color as him, but in order to paint a platform he has to blow himself to bits, and he can only blow himself up so much, so be careful not to waste your explosions. See if you have what it takes to paint your way to the end!

This game is best enjoyed full screen.

Colorsplash is a platformer game that was submitted to the MiniJam111 and was completed within 72 hours. The theme is "You are your own enemy".


A/D Keys - Movement

Space - Jump

Left Mouse Button - Paint

R - Restart level

🎺🎹Sound & Music - Donald Lavornia

🎨🖥️ Art & Programming - Kenny Chavarriaga


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I love the creative use of platform level design, especially in the last lvl where you'd have to decide which platforms to fall through or paint.


were moving platforms supposed to make you slow?

or did you just turn a bug into a feature ;)

Bug into a feature lol


haha that is so game dev of you ;D

(did the same with one of my games too lol, the player would stick to walls randomly so i made it a 'feature')